Thursday, December 11, 2008


Not making my contacts and was about ready to throw in the towel, but a friend who really cares made me change my mind. This friend who is always there to pick up these old tired bones and breathe life back in them again. This friend tells many stories of people who struggle but don't quit, stumbble and get back up, make mistakes but learn and keep trying, has proven that she is dedicated to see us all accomplish our goal. It is hard to not keep trying with that kind of support. She knows that I can't get out like I should so she has come up with ideas to make this work for a home bound. But not just that, she keeps giving until she knows you have bought into the plan and shows you how to implement it. I've said it before and I will say it again. Ginny Dye IS AN EXCEPTIONAL PERSON.




Big Z and his Mom said...

I'm so glad that you and Ginny came up with a plan . . . When there is a Will, there is a Way. Keep your Faith and everything will fall into place. Keep going for it.

worldchangerrealitybootcampeleanorn said...

Ron, there is always a way. Remember that this a a journey to fulfilling your dreams. As you travel on this road, there may be bumps along the way. Keep your sight on the end result, which is your why. You will make it because you have determination. For those of us who do get out and about, we too struggle with discouragement. Try to keep the positive thought going and all the things you are thankful for, including MPM.


Ginny Dye said...

I love you and believe in you! Today is a new day and we'll walk it together. :) CALL when you need to talk. That's what I'm here for and I consider it both an honor and a privilege. Together, we will prove anyone - homebound - or not can make MPM work for them. Thanks for hanging in there!
